Subtitled: Mysterious Ways

They say “God works in mysterious ways” and while intellectually I acknowledge this, sometimes I am still amazed at how this cliché can play out. When you arrive at a destination and look back at all the stepping stones which He placed just precisely, wow, just look at God.

The summer of 2016 was a rough season for me, and by fall of that same year I was a bit floundering emotionally, even spiritually though I am not sure I’d have acknowledged it. Somewhat on a whim I decided to go to a concert never dreaming it’d alter the next three years of my life!

That first stepping stone was placed on Saturday, November 5, 2016. I heard this relatively new singing group called Veritas and became mesmerized. I call them the lifeline I didn’t know I needed because something about their music, their ministry spoke to me in a way that finally gave light to my dim world.

I followed their every move from that moment on. Because of this, or maybe in spite of, the next stepping stone was laid in August 2017 which I had the immense privilege of being on the “Hope Survives Release Team.” Fans from around the USA came together with the sole purpose of making this album a wild success. So Friday, September 8, 2017 was a bittersweet day for me. The album was now in the hands of the masses and the friends I had made along the journey would now fade into the background. Or so I thought.

Not long afterwards five of us who had become friends through the release team starting talking online. Just in general at first but eventually we started sharing life together. We walked through joys but also hardships. On Sunday, October 14, 2018, most of us met in person in the tiny town of Jasper, Alabama – the Veritas “frands” were together in person, listening to our beloved boys.

Fast forward almost a year, and the last stepping stone happened this past Saturday – September 21, 2019 when we finally all united for a wedding in Mobile, Alabama. It was a beautiful ceremony, a fun reception, and a night of pure joy.

And as I stood in Kalioka Stables smiling for the photographer with four of my closest friends – I almost cried as I thought about all that God had done. He does indeed work in mysterious ways. What started at a church concert in Beavercreek, Ohio evolved into a sisterhood that I hold onto dearly.

So now that you’ve read all 428 words, I close with this: While this is in part an ode to my beloved Veritas and the friends I have made along the way, it is also a reminder that, even when you can’t see it or it doesn’t make sense, God is still working. He is laying stones along the way to a destination you could never have imagined. He does indeed work in mysterious ways, and you never know where your next step will lead!

Frands 9-21-19

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